Art program

Various Objects
Inspired by local traditional knowledge and global mythologies around sea-related craft, Various Objects are based on tools developed throughout history by passed-down knowledge, know-how, and empirical experience. In Ojavee’s hands, these traditional objects have been modified, foreshadowing a speculative scenario where future coastal communities use the resources available to them to delicately craft useful, and in some cases impractical, objects and materials. Each object opens up questions regarding the inherent value of materials, traditional knowledge and techniques, and the relationship between fragile ecosystems and human societies that are part of them.
Kärt Ojavee (1982) (Ph.D.) is an artist, designer and lecturer. Her work is focused on future concepts of materials, textiles and (inter)active interior fabrics. She experiments with new technologies and traditional textile fabricating techniques, testing the borders of both disciplines. In 2013, she defended her dissertation “Active Smart Interior Textiles: interactive soft displays” at the Estonian Academy of Arts, supervised by Maarja Kruusmaa at the Centre for Biorobotics. Besides working on her own practice, Ojavee is currently a research fellow at the Estonian Academy of Arts’ Interior Architecture Department where her focus is on experimental biomaterials and living materials. Ojavee’s recent projects and exhibitions include installation at Shezad Dawood’s Leviathan: the Paljassaare Chapter at the Kai Art Center, textile installation Save As in collaboration with Johanna Ulfsak at the Espoo Museum of Modern Art, costume designs for Lehman Brothers theatre play at the Estonian Drama Theatre, directed by Hendrik Toompere and Estonian Games: TÖNK, a musical performance directed by Peeter Jalakas.