

26.08 concert ‘Music For Your Plants’
26.08 concert ‘Music For Your Plants’
  • Biotoopia_www_ikoonid

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  • Music For Your Plants’ is an ongoing sound and art project by Norman Orro. Active since 2010 the project has manifested in concept albums, installations, visual essays and collabs with artists. Notable collaborations include a soundtrack for the China Pavilion in the 56th Venice Biennale, audiovisual web-installations for DISmagazine and Ofluxo, performances at Creamcake festival and Creepy Teepee. Playing with the notion of ‘world music’ the project has grown into a inquisitive venture in sonic globalism, performing associative research into cartographies of posthumanism using non-human agents as a mode of communication. The audio palette of MFYP is best described as a world in which objects are given agency to speak to, and of themselves through audible frequencies. The Earth faces an anthropomorphic gaze while the social-economy pushes forward scenarios of diplomatic first contact with the mythical other. Using tools of speculative realism and machine assisted composition the project attempts to bridge the artificial divide between nature and culture. There is an ominous but pleasing tone to the interplay of semantic and atmospheric sounds — the human voice spoken by a machine becomes a birdcall for the rocks.

    Concert is free and takes place at courtyard on the 26. August at 20:00.